Multibit has a built in wallet with graphical and command line/API modes. It can also simultaneously support multiple lightweight wallets with similar security and privacy to its built-in wallet.

Warning: you only get the security and privacy benefits in supported lightweight wallets if they make a secure and private connection to your Multibit every time you use them. This usually requires special configuration.

Multibit Wallet GUI (Graphical)

Clear overview

See your current balance and recent transactions

Fee slider

Easily choose between low fees and fast confirmation

Coin control

Enhance privacy or save money by choosing your inputs

QR codes

Generate QR codes to receive payment

Unique invoices

Easily track who paid you

Proxy configuration

Use Tor or a proxy for privacy

Network monitoring

Track how much bandwidth you use

Watch-only support

Track bitcoins stored safely offline

Multibit Wallet RPC/REST (CLI)


Get a new address for receiving payment


Instantly see your available Bitcoin balance


Send a single payment to multiple addresses


See what received transactions you can spend


Create and send raw transactions


Be notified of new blocks and transactions

Lightweight Wallets Using Multibit

Lightweight wallets usually connect to several random full nodes (like Multibit) to send and receive all of their data. In the process they leak private data and make themselves more vulnerable to attacks.

But it’s also possible to connect certain lightweight wallets solely to your own Multibit full node, called a trusted peer. If you do this with a secure and private connection every time you use that lightweight wallet, you’ll get most of the security and privacy benefits of a full node as well as help protect decentralization.

Trusted Peer Support

The following wallets can securely connect to a trusted peer.